It could beeeeee like we never knew eachother AT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
If you wanted to know ^^^^ that is pretty much what happend with Juan and I. I don't feel like writing essay about the end of us.
Since it's been a while since I posted, and there is a lot going on I'm gonna chop this up by category. Read what you want skip what you don't give a damn about.
Financial Shit
So things in my life are looking up. I still don't have a job, but we're not getting forclosed on....yet. So now I have a stable living enviorment and the constant feeling of worry I have been feeling because of the "I don't wanna be homeless." thing is over. I can sleep again, that sounds weird but all the stress from the impending forclosure keeps me up for days on end. So I'm always yawning and knocking out in inappropriate places( sorry sarah lol )I'm still broke, but knowing where I'm gonna lay my head for now is peace enough for me to not stress the money thing as much.
Baby Brother Shit
I got a new baby brother, he is hardcore.
Ericson Luna July.23rd.2009.<3
I can't fucking wait for NYAF I can't believe its been a whole year. I can't wait to see uncle yo I love him. Hopefully sarah and I can get our thuper thsecret costumes done in time, with time for alterations if its needed. boop I cant wait.
Boyfriend Shit.
I got a new bf, His name is Walter. He is chubby. He is a tech geek. He pisses me off. He obliterates my loneliness. He makes me wanna punch him. He is everything I want.
Well he isnt the funniest guy... But I have enough humor for us both.
Did I mention he speaks english?
I mean he IS Dominican and everyone knows I have that platano feverrrrr.
Plus he is super romantical~
I'm used to people knocking out on my bed, lol. As you should know. I can't waiiiit for NYAF either :B We should still come up with a KAWAIIDANCE for reals.
ReplyDeletePS, don't trust dominicans
Lol lord knows I don't trust them. But god damn I love em.